Saturday, January 30, 2010

Some good news

I am pregnant! I went in this morning for blood work and recieved the call later in the day. The betas were 109. I am 12 days past the 3 day transfer. I was shaking when she called and told me. The nurse said its a great number. I go in Monday to take another test. Hopefully the numbers will double.

I had a feeling I was. This being my 4th pregnancy I know the signs and I know how my body feels. My first symtom I get is I am exhuasted. I can go to bed at 8 pm and I do. The second is I am starving every 2 hours and I wake up famished. I have a thing for salads and oranges. I can eat them all the time. I cant seem to get enough of them. I always loved salads, but oranges I really never ate. Its very strange.
The third symptom I have is I go to the bathroom all the time. Every 1/2 hour or hour. Last week I went to the bathroom before I left for work and my commute is and hour. I was ready to burst by the time I got to work.
The forth symptom I have is ummmm, well, my boobs hurt. In the shower with the water on them. OUCH!!!

I would love to say I am jumping for joy, but if I am honest, I am not. I am down right petrified.
I think of my last pregnancy. I have good numbers in the first two weeks and then boom, a blighten ovum.
I honestly feel I cant let myself get attached. I am afraid of losing this pregnancy too. I am trying to stay positive and I tell myself. This one is different. They took the septum out. Its all different. But its so hard not to feel frightened. Not to jump for joy. I am just plain scared.
I decided to take on day at a time. Today I am pregnant and I love my baby.
History does not have to repeat itself and it wont.
I am doing my relaxation sessions every night and I am not exercising this time around. I stopped working out when I start the stims because I just felt very uncomfortable.
I think my body just needs to rest at this time. My doctor told me he would feel comfortable if I didn't. No one knows if that caused my miscarriages, but the just don't know.

Monday I go for another blood test. Hopefully my numbers double.
I am still on the progesterone injection and the estrace. Maybe these two will make the difference I need?
One day at a time, one week at a time, one month at a time.
2010 is already looking good.


Anonymous said...

So happy for you and I don't even know you! But your right History does not have to repeat itself and it won't. Believe in it!! It will be different this time around!! Nina

Kristin (kekis) said...

I know I've already said it, but I'm hoping and praying for you!

Shanny said...

I'm so so happy for you, I'm praying for a healthy healthy pregnancy!

The Riesbergs said...

Congratulations!!!! You deserve this and I'll be praying for some good numbers at your next appointment. I feel your pain about the attachment thing, I'm due to have my baby on Wednesday and I still feel like I'm not attached to this baby. I have all these scary thoughts that run through my head that things can still go scary wrong. It's not easy and I'm so flippin happy for you!