Monday, January 4, 2010

The morning from hell but it turned out good.

I had the morning from hell. I woke up early for my CD 2 blood work and ultrasound. I started writing in a journal as well. I want to record this whole process. I wrote in my journal that I am excited to start this cycle and I am up early to get the tests done.
So I left my house at 6:30 am. Feeling so good. Its was a nice day out the sun coming up. Then I hit traffic. The traffic is the worst I have ever seen it. An hour has gone by I wasn't even close to where I needed to be. I call the clinic and tell them I was going to late. I was so upset because I thought this cycle would be a bust if I didn't get those tests done. I was crying. I was so upset.
2 hours later, I finally got off the highway, still no where close to where I needed to be. I had to pee so bad I was in pain. I ran into a gas station and then called my husband. The traffic was not moving at all. I went a different route and got there in a half hour. I didn't get to the place till 9 am. I should of been there by 7:45 am.

My doctors nurse took my blood and the ultrasound tech did the ultrasound. They were very nice and very sympathetic. They said I wont get the blood result till tomorrow because they have to send it out, but it wont screw me up because I wouldn't be taking the new medication till tomorrow night. Thank god. I have never felt so relieved.

The ultrasound all looked good. Nothing alarming jumped out at her. She said its done to give them a base line for things. She is the wonderful tech I wrote about before. She has you fill this paper in. She tells you what everything is, etc. She is so great. The cysts that I had on my ovaries are gone so the birth control pills did the trick.

I told my husband when I have to have monitoring done I am staying at my mothers. (she lives 10 minutes away from the place). I just couldn't do that again. I was so stressed out. I was trying to some deep breathing exercises and tried to stay calm but it was so hard. I just was so scared that they would tell me I couldn't do this cycle because I missed the blood work and ultrasound. So it all worked out.

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