Monday, August 3, 2009

The power of prayer

I am asking for some prayers for the next couple of days. I went this morning for blood work and tomorrow we have an ultrasound. Hopefully my betas will still rise and tomorrow we can see the baby on the ultrasound.
As I was driving home from the blood work going to work. I just cried and prayed. I talked to the baby, though I know he/she can't hear me, I still did. I asked the baby to please be strong and try to grow big and strong. I told the baby that mommy loves you so much and will do anything for him/she to be alright. I promised I will do everything in my power to protect him/her and to please let me be its mommy. I asked God to please protect this baby and please let him/she grow.

I am just so scared that my numbers aren't rising as fast as they should and that I was measuring a week behind that the baby stopped developing that week. I pray I am wrong.I pray all will be ok. I am trying to have faith that I wont lose another child.

I found this prayer on the computer. I am not very religious, but right now I am hoping God will answer my prayers. I am a good person and feel I was put on earth to be a mom. I hope and pray I am given a chance.

O Lord Jesus Christ, through the intercession of Your tender Mother, Our Lady of La Leche, who bore You close to her heart during those long months before Your birth, I place my baby and myself entirely in Your Hands. Free me, I beseech You, from useless and consuming worry. Accept the sacrifice of my aches and pains, which I unite to Your sufferings on the Cross. Above all, most merciful and loving Jesus, protect this child You have given to me from all harm, bestowing the health and vigor every baby needs. Implant in my heart and on my lips the words and prayers of Your Mother and mine, our Lovely Lady of La Leche. All this I ask that my child and I may live to praise forever Your Holy Name

Dear Baby,
I love you so much already. Please grow and stay with mommy. I will protect you always.
Please just give me a chance.

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